The United Humanitarian Foundation (UHF Relief) based in Michigan is one of dozens of organizations working to help the Yemeni people. Its work includes relief efforts as well as continuous programs. We sat down with Eman Ahmed, UHF Relief Board Member, to learn more about UHF. With dozens of organizations working in Yemen, United Humanitarian Foundation stands out in a few ways:
Sole Focus
It solely focuses on Yemen. While many organizations will have to withdraw during political unrest, UHF is ingrained in Yemen, it’s always there, serving the people.
Deep ties
UHF Relief is currently working in partnership with the Haidara Foundation for Peace and Human Development. The foundation was established in 2017 and is operating in Yemen under the international humanitarian principles and the license of the ministry of social affairs ID number (24-2017).
The organization is able to utilize the staff and connections of the Haidara Foundation for Peace and Human Development allowing it to effectively and efficiently execute projects. Also, because the foundation staff live and work in Yemen they have first hand knowledge regarding challenges and needs of the people of Yemen.
0% Administrative Overhead Fees
That means, 100% of the proceeds raised goes to Yemen. Members of UHF cover all overhead fees, which is no easy task. That includes processing fees on donations, marketing assistance and general work done for the organization to operate are paid by members. Members work on a volunteer basis. No one gets paid.
"UHF staffers leading these efforts in Yemen live in Yemen. When other organizations have to leave due to unrest, we keep working. "
- Eman Ahmed, Board Member
Quick stats on UHF work:
Ongoing programs:
Charity Bakery
Women Empowerment Project (Sewing, Education, Food Preservation, Etc.)
Annual Eid Clothing Project (No Child Without an Eid)
Women’s Empowerment Program:
The program serves on average 15-20 women at a time and lasts about 5 months. So far approximately 250 women have benefitted from this program. They’re taught how to sew so they can work to support themselves and their families. Other skills include literacy and food preservation methods.
The bakery serves 3000-4000 pieces of bread daily which feeds about 500 families daily. It’s operated by five employees to make the bread and pass it out.
Eid Clothing Project (No Child WIthout an Eid): The Eid clothing project distributed Eid outfits to over 500 needy children and orphans. Many of the clothing in this project is sewn by women from the empowerment program.
Past projects include: Food baskets, Dates Project distribution for Ramadan, Books for Literacy Distribution, Carpet provided and installed for the needy, blanket and mattress Distribution Project
What’s the Latest:
UHF’s latest project is to help address the Corona pandemic. The organization is raising funds to provide a box of health supplies for 400 families living in Amran Square and Almahwa Camp for the displaced in Sanaa and Dar Sa’ad in Aden, Yemen. The COVID-19 prevention package will include masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, bleach, educational material, cleaning products and other items. Health professionals will train families on how to use them effectively to prevent the virus.
UHF’s goals in the next year is to help support their ongoing programs (bakery and women empowerment initiative), do more outreach with the community to educate people on what’s going on in Yemen, and continue to serve people through their projects.
Looking to volunteer?
UHF is looking for a volunteer to help manage social media accounts. Contact (Eman at 313-590-7477) for more information.
Get the word out!
Visit their Website:
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Instagram: (@uhfrelief)
Venmo: @UnitedHumanitarian-Foundation
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Direct Message UHF on Instagram at @uhfrelief or email at for any project/fundraising partnerships or ideas you may have, connections in Yemen that can help their operations or anything else you think may help.